Article III: Officers and Duties

Section 1: Officers


Clause 1: Elected Officers


The elected officers of this Chapter shall be a President, two (2) Vice Presidents of Service, a Vice President of Membership, two (2) Pledge Trainers, a Vice President of Leadership, two (2) Vice Presidents of Fellowship, a Treasurer, a Vice President of Inter-Chapter Relations, a Secretary, a Sergeant at Arms, a Vice President of Communications, a Parliamentarian, and a Historian. If the President is unable to attend a meeting, the order of succession shall be:  the Vice President of Service with the longer tenure as an Active Brother, the other Vice President of Service, the Vice President of Membership, the Pledge Trainer with the longer tenure as an Active Brother, the other Pledge Trainer, the Vice President of Leadership, the Vice President of Fellowship with the longer tenure as an Active Brother, the other Vice President of Fellowship, the Treasurer, the Vice President of Inter-Chapter Relations, the Sergeant at Arms, the Vice President of Communication, the Parliamentarian, and the Historian. For positions that have co-officers, if both officers have the same tenure as an Active Brother, the order of succession will be determined by a majority vote of the Active chapter.


Clause 2: Eligibility to Hold Office


Only Active members may hold office. No member shall hold more than one elected office at a time. In order to hold the office of President, a Brother must have been Active for at least two (2) semesters prior to holding that office. In order to hold the offices of Vice President of Service, Vice President of Membership, Pledge Trainers, Vice President of Leadership, Vice President of Fellowship, Treasurer, Vice President of Inter-Chapter Relations, or Sergeant at Arms, a Brother must have been an Active member for at least one (1) semester prior to holding that office. Refer to the Chapter Standing Policy for any additional eligibility requirements. The offices of Vice President of Communications, Secretary, Parliamentarian, and Historian may be held without the requirement of an Active semester.


Clause 3: Term of Elected Office


The elected officers shall be chosen by ballot to serve for one (1) year or until their successors are elected, and their term of office shall begin immediately after the official officer Installation Ceremony is performed.  This installation should take place by the last day of final exams.


Clause 4: Appointed Officers


Temporarily appointed officers may include a Project Coordinator for each service, fundraising, or fellowship project and a newsletter editor.


Clause 5: Term of Appointed Office


Appointed officers shall serve from their time of appointment for one (1) year or until their successors are appointed or until their duties are fully discharged.


Clause 6: Vacancies


If a Chapter office becomes vacant, the President shall appoint an Active member to temporarily fill the vacancy, except that if the vacancy occurs in the Presidency, the Vice President of Service with the longest tenure as an Active Brother shall act as the President until an election to fill the vacancy is held. The Vice President of Membership shall immediately notify all Active and Associate members that a vacancy has occurred. At the second regularly scheduled Chapter meeting occurring after this notification, elections shall be held to fill the vacant office, as well as any other offices that become vacant during the course of the elections. Nominations for these elections shall be open from the time members are notified of the vacancy through the completion of the elections.


Clause 7: Removal from Office


An officer shall be liable for removal from office if a written petition is made by the majority of the Active membership. Written charges must be given to the officer in question at least two (2) weeks before the impeachment proceedings; at the same time, a copy of the charges shall be given to the Chairperson of the Advisory Committee. At such time as the charges have been delivered, said officer shall be suspended from performing their duties. The Executive Committee, exclusive of the officer in question, shall appoint an Active member to fill the office until the proceedings are complete. The removal proceedings shall be held at a regular chapter meeting at which a majority of the Active members are present. All Active, Associate and Advisory members shall be notified of the proceedings at least two (2) weeks prior to the time at which they are to be held. For due cause, after just deliberation, an officer may be removed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Active members present at the impeachment proceedings. The Chairperson of the Advisory Committee shall preside over the impeachment proceedings.


Clause 8:  Replacing Officers who move to Associate or Inactive Status

If an officer can no longer complete the term of his/her office due to being placed on Associate or Inactive status, the office will be immediately vacated and a replacement will be selected as set forth in Article 3, Section 1, Clause 6 of these Bylaws. 


Section 2: Duties


Clause 1: General Duties of Officers


Each officer shall perform the duties appropriate to their office, as described by the Standard Chapter Articles of Association and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Chapter. Each officer shall also perform any additional duties the Chapter may prescribe. Each officer shall, at the end of their term of office, instruct the successor in the duties of their office, and shall transmit the term of office records to the Chapter Historian, except that the Treasurer shall retain the financial books covering the past five (5) years. Besides these general duties, each officer shall perform the specific duties described for their office in the subsequent section clauses of these Bylaws, as well as any other such duties as may appear elsewhere in these Bylaws.  Officers are expected to attend all regular Chapter meetings and officer meetings. Officers should notify the President if they have to miss any regular Chapter meeting.


Clause 2: President


The specific duties of the President are:

1)                To serve as Chairperson of the Executive Board and to ensure the execution of its responsibilities as listed in these Bylaws.

2)                To preside over all regular and special Chapter meetings, except at meetings where charges for the purpose of impeachment of an officer will be voted on.

3)                To prepare, prior to each meeting, an order of business, showing in their exact order, under the correct headings, all matters known in advance that are due to come up and, if applicable, the times for which they are set.

4)                To serve as a member of the Advisory Committee.

5)                Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, the Special Rules of Order, and the Standing Policy, or by authority of the Chapter: to appoint any committees necessary in carrying out the program of the Chapter.

6)                To serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.

7)                To serve as chief spokesperson and representative of this Chapter and to coordinate its external relations, except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws and the Standing Policy, or by authority of the Chapter.

8)                To supervise and coordinate the functions of the Chapter, its officers and committees, and to ensure that the Chapter is operated in conformity with its Governing Documents.

9)                Fill out the University of Kentucky student organization re-registration forms by the appropriate due date.

10)            Make room reservations for regular and Pledge meetings.

11)            Submit the chapter’s Annual Active Membership dues and H. Roe Bartle Chapter evaluation forms to the National Office in a timely manner.

12)            Complete whatever actions are necessary to keep the Chapter in good standing.

13)      To conduct and oversee the Officer Transition.

14)      Be responsible for the execution of the Chapter Assessment and Planning Session (CAPS).

15)      To serve as Chairperson of the Grievance Committee, as detailed in Article III of the Chapter Code of Conduct.


Clause 3: Vice Presidents of Service


The specific duties of the Vice Presidents of Service are:

1)                  To serve as co-Chairpersons of the Service Committee and to ensure the execution of its responsibilities as listed in these Bylaws.

2)                  To serve as members of the Executive Board.

3)                  To supervise the operation and coordination of all service activities of the Chapter, and, if necessary, to appoint a coordinator for each service project.

4)                  To assure there are enough service events so that all Active and Pledge members may meet their requirements (including a minimum of one (1) project each week).

5)                  To promptly post upcoming service projects to the chapter website.

6)                  To compile and maintain a record of the organizations worked with to add to the Service Handbook.

7)                  To compile and maintain a service record for each member, and to notify the Vice President of Membership if an Active or Associate member does not meet the service requirement.

8)                  To explore opportunities for joint service projects with other Chapters.

9)                  To perform all presidential duties in the absence of the President.

10)              To ensure execution of Rush week service, national service week, Spring Youth Service Day, Pledge Retreat  Service and any other national or chapter level service requirements



Clause 4: Vice President of Membership


The specific duties of the Vice President of Membership are:

1)                To serve as Chairperson of the Membership Committee and to ensure the execution of its responsibilities as listed in these Bylaws.

2)                To serve as a member of the Executive Board.

3)                Maintain all membership records for the Chapter through the Chapter website, including a list of all Chapter members with their addresses, phone numbers, and membership status.

4)                To work with the Parliamentarian and Sergeant-At-Arms to ensure that, on the day of elections, candidates for Chapter office meet the criteria for eligibility given in Article III, Section 1, Clause 2.

5)                To maintain a list of all officers, as well as a list of all existing committees.

6)                To receive notice from the members of the Executive Board if any Active or Associate member has not fulfilled their respective requirements.

7)                With the assistance of the Pledge Trainers and Vice President of Communications, to devise and implement a membership recruitment program (including the planning and implementation of Fall and Spring Rush) for the Chapter.

8)                To ensure the coordination of the Pledging Program with the Chapter program and activities.

9)                To assist the Pledge Trainers in the development and implementation of the Pledging Program.

10)            To develop and execute a membership retention program, in which Active members who have not attended recent events are contacted for the purpose of informing them of recent and upcoming activities and inviting them to upcoming events.

11)            To ensure that all Chapter members conform to the requirements of the governing documents regarding membership in this Chapter, and to enforce those Chapter membership policies.

12)            To promote and encourage continuing Brother education, including reviews of material from the Pledge Program, attendance at conferences and national leadership development workshops.

13)            To appoint a Big Little Chair with the assistance of Pledge Trainers as necessary.

14)            To change Brothers’ standing on the website from Inactive to Alumni at least once per school year according to Article II, Section 6, Clause 1.

15)      To maintain the Family Tree as listed on APO Online.

16)      To serve as a voting member of the Grievance Committee as detailed in Article III of the Chapter Code of Conduct.


Clause 5: Pledge Trainers:


The specific duties of the Pledge Trainers are:

1)                  With the assistance of the Vice President of Membership and the approval of the Chapter, to develop and implement the Pledging Program in accordance with the National Pledging Standards.

2)                  To serve as members of the Membership Committee.

3)                  To serve as members of the Executive Board.

4)                  Order Pledge pins if necessary before the Pledge Ceremony and order Active pins before the Initiation Ceremony.

5)                  Order Pledge manuals for the Pledge class.

6)                  Attend and chair all Pledge meetings.

7)                  Plan and implement Fall and Spring Rush with the assistance of the Vice Presidents of Service and Vice President of Communications

8)                  Assist the Big- Little Chair and the Vice President of Membership with the design and implementation of a “Big Brother” program for the Pledge class; assign each pledge a Big Brother, and ensure that Big Brothers are fulfilling their obligations.

9)                  To implement the Pledge Program as described by the Chapter Standing Policy.

10)              To assist the Vice President of Membership in appointing a Big Little Chair as necessary.

11)              Update the Blue Torch on a yearly basis.

12)              Execute and attend all Cram Slams


Clause 6: Vice President of Leadership


The specific duties of the Vice President of Leadership are:

1)                To serve as Chairperson of the Leadership Committee and to ensure the execution of its responsibilities as listed in these Bylaws.

2)                To serve as member of the Executive Board.

3)                To supervise the coordination and execution of all leadership activities of the chapter including those set up by the leadership chairs and brothers.

4)                To schedule at least one (1) on-campus APO LEADS course each semester for the Chapter.

5)                To report to the Vice President of Membership if any Active or Associate member has not completed their leadership development requirement as set forth by the Chapter Standing Policy.

6)        To ensure there are enough leadership events so that all active and pledge members can meet their requirement (including a minimum of one (1) event per week).

7)                To conduct a leadership development experience at Pledge Retreat and offer at least two (2) opportunities per semester for pledges to complete LAUNCH to fulfill the Pledge Program of Excellence requirement.

8)        To explore opportunities to work with neighboring chapters and on-campus organizations to plan leadership development events, such as Leadership Day.

9)        To ensure execution of leadership activities at Chapter events, including RUSH and Chapter Retreat.

10)      To supervise and assist in the formation of a Pledge Leadership Committee and in the planning and execution of a leadership event as determined by the committee.



Clause 7: Vice Presidents of Fellowship


The specific duties of the Vice Presidents of Fellowship are:

1)                  To serve as Co-Chairpersons of the Fellowship Committee and to ensure the execution of its responsibilities as listed in these Bylaws.

2)                  To serve as members of the Executive Board.

3)                  To supervise the prompt posting, operation and coordination of all fellowship activities of the Chapter, and to ensure there is a coordinator for each fellowship project.

4)                  To assure there are enough fellowship events so that all Active and Pledge members may meet their requirements (including a minimum of one (1) fellowship event a week).

5)                  To correspond and maintain active contact with neighboring Chapters, and to explore opportunities for fellowship with other chapters.

6)                  To report to the Vice President of Membership whether each Active member has completed their fellowship requirement as set forth by the Chapter Standing Policy.

7)                  To plan Chapter Retreat with the assistance of the Vice President of Leadership.

8)                  To select a date and book a location for next semester's pledge retreat no later than two weeks before the first day of classes of the aforementioned semester and subsequently plan Pledge Retreat in coordination with the appropriate officers and chairs.


9)                  To appoint the formal chairs, with the assistance of the newly elected Vice Presidents of Fellowship, where applicable, for the next semester’s formal within a week of the current semester’s initiation.




Clause 8: Treasurer


The specific duties of the Treasurer are:

1)                  To serve as Chairperson of the Finance Committee and to ensure the execution of its responsibilities as listed in these Bylaws.

2)                  To serve as a member of the Executive Board.

3)                  To receive all monies of the Chapter and keep an accurate record thereof.

4)                  To maintain a bank account for the Chapter, and to deposit Chapter funds therein.

5)                  To disburse funds as prescribed by authority of the Chapter, or by these Bylaws.

6)                  At the beginning of the fall semester, to submit to the Executive Board a proposed budget for the year.

7)                  At least once a month, at a regular meeting of the Chapter, to submit a report on the Chapter’s financial condition, including a breakdown of income and expenses by budget category.

8)                  The close of each semester and at the end of summer, to submit to the Executive Board a complete, written report on the finances of the Chapter during that time period, including a breakdown of income and expenses by budget category.

9)                  To open the Chapter’s financial books for audit as required by Article VIII, Section 1, Clause 3 of these Bylaws.

10)              In a timely and diligent manner, to collect all dues, fees, and assessments owed by Chapter members to the Chapter or to the National Fraternity, and to transmit a record of these collections to the Vice President for Membership.

11)              To maintain a ledger account of the payments made by each individual member of the Chapter, either to the National Fraternity or to the Chapter, and to give a written receipt for all such funds.

12)              To supervise the operation and coordination of all fundraising activities of the Chapter, and to appoint a coordinator for each fundraising event.

13)              To promptly post upcoming fundraising events to the Chapter website.

14)              To fulfill the financial obligations of the Chapter as described in its governing documents.

15)              To have the financial books of the Chapter audited at the close of his/ her term as Treasurer, before turning the duties of the office over to his/her successor.


Clause 9: Vice President of Inter-Chapter Relations


The specific duties of the Vice President of Inter-Chapter Relations:

1)                  To serve as a member of the Executive Board.

2)                  To serve as Section 67 Representative.

3)                  To consult with the Vice Presidents of Service, Vice Presidents of Fellowship, and Vice President of Leadership to plan at least one inter-chapter event a month.

4)                  Notify the Section Chair or Section Representatives, within the section, of other Chapters' events.

5)                  To uphold the duties of the Section Representatives as described in the most current Section Operations Manual, and any other additional duties as assigned by the President.

6)                  To notify the chapter of at least one (1) inter-chapter event a week.

7)                  To work with the President to appoint a chair for any committee relating to the planning of a conference hosted by Alpha Zeta

8)                  To promote attendance by the Chapter at National, Regional, and Sectional conferences


Clause 10: Secretary


The specific duties of the Secretary are:

1)                  To record the minutes of all Chapter, Pledge and Executive Board meetings and to make a typed copy of those minutes.

2)                  To make the minutes of the Chapter meetings available to members upon request and to distribute them within two (2) days post meeting.

3)                  To serve as a member of the Executive Board, to record the minutes of its meetings, and to make a typed copy of those minutes.

4)                  To make the minutes of the Executive Board available to members of the Executive Board upon request.

5)                  To carry on the general correspondence of the Chapter.

6)                  To take the attendance at each regular Chapter and Executive Board meeting.

7)                  To notify the Vice President of Membership if an Active member fails to meet the attendance requirement for Active membership.

8)                  To maintain records of Pledge attendance at Active meetings and to notify Pledge Trainers if Pledges fail to meet the attendance requirements.

9)                  To make room reservations for on campus activities by the Chapter, not including Active, Pledge, and Executive meetings


Clause 11: Sergeant at Arms


The specific duties of the Sergeant at Arms are:

1)                  To serve as a member of the Executive Board.

2)                  To plan and set up all ceremonies, including Induction, Big Brother and Initiation Ceremonies.

3)                  To serve as Chairperson of the Committee of Rites and to ensure the execution of its responsibilities as listed in these Bylaws.

4)                  To maintain parliamentary procedure and general order at regular Chapter meetings.

5)                  To ensure that all materials required for the meeting are present.

6)                  To act as Chapter Quartermaster, keeping account of all chapter materials.

7)                  To establish and maintain a Chapter office.

8)                  To lead the singing of the Toast Song.


Clause 12: Vice President of Communications


The specific duties of the Vice President of Communications are:

1)                  To serve as Chairperson of the Publicity Committee and to ensure the execution of its responsibilities as listed in these Bylaws.

2)                  To serve as a member of the Executive Board.

3)                  To assist the Vice President of Membership and Pledge Trainers in publicizing the membership recruitment program (including Fall and Spring Rush) for the Chapter.

4)                  To serve as or appoint an Editor for the Chapter Newsletter.

5)                  To maintain the chapter website, ensuring that all applicable officers are promptly posting events, projects, etc. to the website.

6)                  To update and maintain the Chapter e-mail distribution lists.

7)                  To inform the membership of specific matters as directed by the Chapters Governing Documents, Bylaws, Rules, and parliamentary authority, as well as by authority of the Chapter.



Clause 13: Parliamentarian


The specific duties of the Parliamentarian are:

1)                To acquire and maintain current copies of all Governing Documents of this Chapter, including these Bylaws and Standing Policy, and the Special Rules of Order, and to acquire and maintain a copy of the Chapter’s parliamentary authority (Robert’s Rules of Order). Furthermore, to have these documents available at all regular and special Chapter meetings, and to ensure that the Historian also has copies of these documents.

2)                To acquire and maintain current copies of all Governing Documents of the National Fraternity including the Bylaws and Standing Policy, and the Special Rules of Order, and to acquire and maintain a copy of the National's parliamentary authority. Furthermore, to have these documents available at all regular and special Chapter meetings, and to ensure that the Historian also has copies of these documents.

3)                To advise the President and other officers, committees, and members on matters of parliamentary procedure.

4)                To chair the Bylaws Committee.

5)               To work with the President and Advisory committee to conduct a yearly review of the Bylaws and Chapter Standing Policy to see if changes or updates are necessary.

6)                Maintain a record of all changes made to the Chapter's Governing Documents.        

7)               To serve as a member of the Executive Board (voting only by ballot or secret hand).

8)        To serve as a voting member of the Grievance Committee as detailed in Article III of the Chapter Code of Conduct.


Clause 14: Historian


The specific duties of the Historian are:

1)                To oversee the documentation of activities relevant to the operation and history of the Chapter, including minutes, Chapter Newsletter, Family Tee, Chapter awards, Event Report Forms, and governing documents. Upon request, the Historian may make these documents available to Chapter brothers.

2)                To cooperate with the Parliamentarian to ensure that William T. Young Library contains current copies of all Governing Documents of this Chapter, including these Bylaws, the Special Rules of Order, and a copy of the Chapters parliamentary authority. This should be completed at the end of every academic year.

3)                To ensure the completion and documentation of updated Chapter officer records (and handbooks) at the end of their terms of office.

4)                To maintain a scrapbook containing photographs and newspaper clippings pertaining to activities of the Chapter.

5)                To serve as a member of the Executive Board.

6)               To maintain the Chapter camera, all associated accessories, and the camera warranty. Beginning March 2019, this warranty must be renewed triennially.

7)              To plan and execute and Chapter fundraising events necessary to cover the cost of the Chapter’s camera should it be lost, stolen, or damaged beyond the existing warranty’s coverage.

8)        To oversee the taking and gathering of pictures at general Chapter events (such as LFS events, RUSH, et cetera) and special Chapter events (including Induction, Initiation, Formal, Pledge Retreat, and Chapter Retreat).

9)        To actively promote the history of Alpha Zeta and the National Fraternity in order to educate the Chapter.

10)      To serve as Chairperson of the Paparazzi Committee and to ensure the execution of its responsibilities as listed in these Bylaws.



Section 3: Appointed Positions


Clause 1: Newsletter Editor

The specific duties of the Newsletter Editor are:

1)                  To publish the Chapter Newsletter, at regular intervals as set forth by the Chapter Standing Policy.

2)                  To transmit an extra copy of each Newsletter issue to the Historian.

3)                  To serve as a member of the Communication and Publicity Committee.

Clause 2: Project Coordinators

The specific duties of a Project Coordinator are:

1)                        To organize and carry out the project they were appointed to coordinate, under the                  supervision of the appointing officer.

2)                        In the case of a service project, to submit a written report describing the project to the                          appropriate Vice President of Service; in the case of a fundraising project, to                                        immediately turn over all monies collected to the Treasurer, along with a written record                       of the same.

3)                        To serve as a member of the Standing Committee chaired by the officer that appointed                        them.

Clause 3: Big Little Chair


The specific duties of the Big Little Chair are:

1)   To attend a sufficient amount of Rush events in order to meet potentials (amount will be determined by Vice President of Membership.)

2)         To coordinate all pre-pairing activities including Big/ Little speed dating

3)         To match Pledges with Big Brothers before Pledge Retreat        

4)         To make sure all Brothers volunteering to be Big Brothers are eligible according to the Bylaws.

5)         To help Sergeant at Arms with Big/Little Reveal Ceremony if needed

6)         To coordinate events and games following Big/Little Reveal

7)         To plan Big/ Little events at Pledge picnic including Big/ Little Olympics

8)         To answer all questions regarding pairing before and after Big/ Little Reveal

9)         To work to resolve issues that arise from pairing with assistance from the Pledge Trainers if necessary.


Clause 4: Formal Chair


The specific duties of the Formal chair(s) are:

1)      To plan and execute Fall or Spring formal.

2)      To create and submit a budget to the Vice Presidents of Fellowship before the second chapter meeting of the semester to give a more accurate estimate for chapter’s total budget.

3)      To create a Formal Committee and delegate responsibilities as needed.

4)      To effectively communicate with the Vice Presidents of Fellowship about plans for formal, budget changes, and themes.

5)      To have a venue selected and booked before the start of the academic semester during which formal will take place.


Section 4: Other Elected Positions



Clause 1: Chapter Voting Delegate


The duties of a Voting Delegate are:

  • To serve as the Chapter's representative at any one of the following fraternity conferences: Sectionals, Regionals, and/or Nationals.
  • To fulfill any and all delegate responsibilities put forward by the conference.


Clause 2: Brother-at-Large


The specific duties of the Brother-at-Large, as well as the procedure for their election, are detailed in Article III of the Chapter Code of Conduct.


Clause 3: House Head


The specific duties of all House Heads are:

  • To act as leaders of their house
  • To plan and execute House leadership, fellowship, and service events
  • To serve as members of the Membership Committee

It is important to note that quorum is not necessary for the elections of House Heads, just that they are only elected by members of their specific houses.