Section 1: Advisors
Clause 1: Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee shall consist of such Advisors as are required by the Standard Chapter Articles of Association, at least two (2) Faculty/Staff Advisors, a Scouting/Youth Services Advisor, a Community Advisor, and any other Advisors the Chapter deems necessary, as well as the current President of the Chapter and the immediate past President if he/she so chooses.
Clause 2: Selection and Appointment of Advisors
No later than the third regular meeting of each fall semester, the Executive Board shall submit a list of Advisors to the Chapter for its approval. At this meeting the Chapter shall elect the Chairperson of the Advisory Committee by plurality vote. Advisors may be added to this list at any regular Chapter meeting.
Clause 3: Term of Office
Advisors shall serve from the time of their approval by the Chapter until they choose to retire from their duties or until such time the Chapter decides their services are no longer required by the Chapter. Advisors will not have limits on the number of consecutive terms they may serve.
Clause 4: Vacancies
Advisors should notify the President in writing if they do not wish to continue their Advisor duties. Vacancies in the list of required Advisory positions shall be filled as quickly as possible. If the Chair of the Advisory Committee should become vacant, an election for a new Chairperson shall be held at the next regular Chapter meeting at which a quorum prevails.
Clause 5: Removal from Office
Advisors may be removed during their term of office under the same rules as for removal of Chapter officers, except that a written copy of the charges against the Advisor shall be given to the President, the President shall preside over the impeachment proceedings, and the Executive Board shall appoint a qualified individual to fill the Advisory position in question until the proceedings are complete.
Section 2: Duties of Advisors
Clause 1: General Duties of Advisors
In addition to serving on the Advisory Committee, all Advisors are ex-officio but non-voting members of all Standing Committees of the Chapter. They shall attend Chapter meetings as regularly as possible, and shall serve as personal Advisors and counselors on Chapter matters at all times. It shall be the obligation of each Advisor to transmit their current contact information to the Vice President of Membership.
Clause 2: Faculty and Administration Advisors
The specific duties of the Faculty and Administration Advisors are:
1) To encourage the Chapter members to develop and uphold high fraternal and scholastic standards.
2) To assist the Chapter in planning and executing projects which are of interest to the campus.
3) To assist with the recruitment of additional Faculty and Administration Advisors.
Clause 3: Scouting / Youth Services Advisors
The specific duties of the Scouting / Youth Services Advisors are:
1) To encourage the Chapter members to develop and uphold the principles of Scouting.
2) To assist the Chapter in planning and executing projects which are of interest to the Scout movement and the community at large.
Clause 4: Community Advisors
The specific duties of the Community Advisors are:
1) To assist the Chapter in planning and executing projects which are of interest to the Chapter, campus, community, and country.
Clause 5: Chairperson of the Advisory Committee
In addition to any other duties as an advisor, the duties of the Chairperson of the Advisory Committee are:
1) To call and preside over all meetings of the Advisory Committee.
2) To call and preside over Special Chapter Meetings upon the written request of one fourth (1/4) of the Active membership.
3) To preside at Chapter meetings where impeachment charges against a Chapter officer are voted on, and at Chapter meetings where the suspension of a member is voted on.
4) To keep the Section Representative informed about the status and progress of the Chapter.
5) To serve as (or delegate) a nonvoting member of the Grievance Committee, as detailed in Article III of the Chapter Code of Conduct.
Clause 6: Duties of the Advisory Committee
The duties of the Advisory Committee are:
1) To meet, when necessary, for the purpose of advising the Chapter on its program and administration.
2) If necessary, to give leadership in starting the Chapters program at the beginning of the academic year.
3) To audit the Chapters financial books at the end of each semester and as otherwise required by the Chapter.