Article V: Committees

Section 1: Defined Committees


Clause 1: General Provisions for Committees


The Committees of this Chapter include the Executive Board, the Service Committee, the Membership Committee, the Fellowship Committee, the Leadership Development Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Communication and Publicity Committee. This list is not exhaustive. Except for the Executive Board, or as otherwise provided, membership in Committees shall be open to all interested members and Pledges who register with the committee chairperson, except that the committee chairperson shall have the right to limit the size of the committee as they see fit, and the President shall have the right to appoint additional members to the committee, even if this causes the committee to grow beyond the size limit set by its chairperson. Any officer may petition the Executive Board to request their own committee. By the third Chapter meeting all Brothers shall have submitted their request for their preferred committees. At the next Executive Board the roster of committee members shall be determined. The chairperson of each Committee shall ensure that the Vice President of Membership has an up-to-date list of the committee members. Refer to the Standing Policy for a list of the current Standing Committees.


Clause 2: Executive Board (E-Board)



The Executive Board of the Chapter shall consist of all elected officers Chapter Advisors are also members of the Executive Board but do not have voting privileges.


The Executive Board shall meet at least bi-weekly at a regular time and place of its own choosing. Emergency meetings of the Executive Board may be held on the call of the President, or upon the written request of one-third (1/3) of its voting members.


The duties of the Executive Board are:

1)                  To see that the resolutions, policies, and activities of the Chapter are carried out.

2)                  To advise the President in the coordination of all Chapter affairs.

3)                  To refer to the Chapter such legislation as it may desire.

4)                  To analyze any particular problems of the Chapter pertaining to its program or administration, and to plan for their solution.

5)                  To receive project reports from each committee chairperson, analyze these projects, weigh their value, and determine the advisability of their continuance; subsequently, to transmit these service project reports to the Chapter Historian.

6)                  Each year, to consider the proposed budget submitted by the Treasurer and to refer it to the Chapter, together with the board’s recommendations, for consideration at the second regular Chapter meeting of the fall semester.

7)                  At the close of each semester and at the end of summer, to review the financial status of the Chapter, based on the financial report submitted by the Treasurer; subsequently, to transmit this financial report to the Chapter Historian.

8)                  To perform any other duties as directed by the Chapters Governing Documents, Bylaws, and Standing Policy, or by authority of the Chapter.


Clause 3: Service Committee


The duties of the Service Committee are:

1)                  To assist the Vice Presidents of Service in the performance of their duties by participating in a subcommittee as outlined in the Chapter Standing Policy.

2)                  To make plans for carrying out the Chapter’s traditional service projects.

3)                  To work with the Faculty and Administration Advisors, the Administration of the University of Kentucky, the Center for Community Outreach, and other service organizations to identify potential service projects to aid the campus, community, or nation.

4)                  To work with the Scouting Advisor(s), the local Scout Executives, and community leaders to identify potential service projects to aid the Scouts or the local community.

5)                  To implement at least one (1) inter-Chapter service project each semester.

6)                  At the end of each service project, to prepare a service project report. This report shall include a summary and evaluation of the service project and will be submitted to the Vice Presidents of Service by the next Committee meeting to be included in the end of semester service report.

7)                  At the end of each semester, to prepare a service report.  This report shall include a summary and evaluation of the service program for that semester as well as copies of each service project report. This report shall be submitted to the Historian to add to the Chapter Archives.


Clause 4: Membership Committee


The duties of the Membership Committee are:

1)                  To assist the Vice President of Membership in the performance of his/her duties by participating in a subcommittee as outlined in the Chapter Standing Policy.

2)                  To plan the Chapter’s membership recruitment program (including Fall and Spring Rush), with the assistance of the Communication and Publicity Committee.

3)                  To check the qualifications and eligibility of prospective members and recommend them for membership.

4)                  To assist the Pledge Trainer in developing and implementing a Pledge Program to prepare Pledges for Active membership.

5)                  To develop and execute a membership retention program, in which Active members who have not attended recent events are contacted for the purpose of informing them of recent and upcoming activities, and when appropriate, to inform them of Associate status.

6)                  To plan and execute the formal Initiation of new members.

7)                  To oversee the production and distribution, for the benefit of Chapter members, of all T-shirts, signs, etc. bearing the Chapter insignia.

8)                  To work with the Section Chair and Region Director to assist in the establishment of Alpha Phi Omega Chapters at other universities.

9)                  To prepare an event report at the end of each event. This report shall include a summary and evaluation of the event and will be submitted to the Vice President of Membership by the next committee meeting to be included in the end of semester report.

10)              At the end of each semester, to prepare a report which shall include an evaluation of the membership and Pledging Program as well as copies of each event report. This report shall be submitted to the Historian to add to the Chapter Archives.


Clause 5: Leadership Committee


The duties of the Leadership Committee are:

1)                  To assist the Vice President of Leadership in the performance of their duties by participating in a subcommittee as outlined in the Chapter Standing Policy.

2)                  To plan and coordinate Chapter leadership development events.

3)                  To plan and coordinate at least one (1) APO LEADS course each semester.

4)                  To plan and coordinate the Chapter Retreat with the Fellowship Committee.

5)                  To prepare an event report at the end of each event. This report shall include a summary and evaluation of the event and will be submitted to the Vice President of Leadership by the next committee meeting to be included in the end of semester report.

6)                  To prepare a leadership report at the end of each semester.  This report shall include a summary and evaluation of the leadership development program as well as copies of each event report. This report shall be submitted to the Historian to add to the Chapter Archives.



Clause 6: Fellowship Committee


The duties of the Fellowship Committee are:

1)                  To assist the Vice President of Fellowship in the performance of their duties by participating in a subcommittee as outlined in the Chapter Standing Policy.

2)                  To plan and coordinate Chapter fellowship projects.

3)                  To plan at least one (1) inter-Chapter fellowship event each semester.

4)                  To plan the end of the year awards banquet and Officer Installation.

5)                  To prepare an event report at the end of each event. This report shall include a summary and evaluation of the event and will be submitted to the Vice President of Fellowship by the next committee meeting to be included in the end of semester report.

6)                  To prepare a fellowship report at the end of each semester.  This report shall include a summary and evaluation of the fellowship program as well as copies of each event report. This report shall be submitted to the Historian to add to the Chapter Archives.

7)                  To work with the Membership Committee to plan an Alumni event.


Clause 7: Finance Committee


The duties of the Finance Committee are:

1)                  To assist the Treasurer in the performance of their duties by participating in a             subcommittee as outlined in the Chapter Standing Policy.

2)                  To help coordinate the financial and fundraising activities of the Chapter.

3)                  To help maintain complete and accurate records of the finances of major Chapter projects.

4)                  To help prepare reports for the Chapter on the state of the Chapters finances and long-range needs.

5)                  To prepare an event report at the end of each event. This report shall include a summary and evaluation of the event and will be submitted to the Treasurer by the next committee meeting to be included in the end of semester report.

6)                  To prepare a fundraising event report at the end of each semester.  This report shall include a summary and evaluation of the finance program as well as copies of each event report. This report shall be submitted to the Historian to add to the Chapter Archives.



Clause 8: Communication and Publicity Committee


The duties of the Communication and Publicity Committee are:

1)                  To assist the Vice President of Communications in publicizing Chapter meetings, projects, events, and other matters by participating in a subcommittee as outlined in the Chapter Standing Policy.

2)                  To assist the Newsletter Editor in the production and distribution of the Chapter Newsletter.

3)                  To assist the Vice President of Communications in maintaining the Chapter website and e-mail distribution lists.

4)                  To assist the Membership Committee with the promotion of the Chapter’s membership recruitment program (including Fall and Spring Rush).

5)                  To submit regular reports of Chapter activities to the National Office, for the editor of the Torch and Trefoil.

6)                  To prepare a report at the end of each semester.  This report shall include a summary and evaluation of the activities of the committee. This report shall be submitted to the Historian to add to the Chapter Archives.


Clause  9: Committee of Rites


The duties of the Committee of Rites are:

            1)         To assist the Sergeant at Arms with the planning and execution of ceremonies, when called to do so.


Clause 10: Paparazzi Committee



The duties of the Paparazzi Committee are as follows:

            1)         To aid the Historian in the taking and compiling of pictures from various Chapter events.


Section 2: Temporary Committees


Clause 1: General Provisions for Temporary Committees


The Chapter may create temporary committees, as the need arises, to carry out specific tasks. At the completion of such tasks and presentation of the committee’s final report to the Chapter the committee ceases to exist. The membership of such a committee shall be fixed at the time it is created, with the provision that any vacancies that occur in the committee may be filled as they arise. The President shall have the right to appoint additional members to the committee, even if this causes the committee to grow beyond the size limit set by its chairperson.


Clause 2:  Awards Committee


The awards committee should be formed at least 3 weeks before the end of the year awards banquet and Officer Installation. The awards committee shall gather nominations from the chapter, vote, and order materials from the National Office. Members of this committee will be chosen to serve on a volunteer basis, but should, represent a broad cross section of the Fraternity membership.  The committee may take nominations from any member of the Chapter or may make nominations internally within the committee.  Voting procedures for awards will be determined at the discretion of the committee.


Clause 3: Bylaws Committee


At least annually, a Bylaws committee will meet to perform a review of the Bylaws to see if changes or updates are necessary.  This committee will be chaired by the Parliamentarian and will include at minimum the chapter President and a member of the Advisory committee.


Clause 4: Grievance Committee


A Grievance Committee will be formed whenever a grievance is brought before the Chapter. The committee will be chaired by the President and include the Vice President of Membership, Parliamentarian, Advisory Chair (or delegated advisor), and three (3) Brothers-at-Large. The exact workings of this committee can be found in Article III of the Chapter Code of Conduct.