Article VI: Meetings

Section 1: Regular Meetings

Meetings will be held every week during the Fall and Spring semesters at the University of Kentucky excluding the weeks when final exams are held and the week of spring break, unless otherwise ordered by the Chapter. The time and place of Chapter meetings are prescribed in the Chapter Standing Policy. A regular meeting may be canceled at the discretion of the President or the Executive Board, in the event of severe weather.


Section 2: Chapter Planning Meeting

Before the first regular meeting of each semester, the Executive Board shall meet to plan the general Chapter program for the semester.  This meeting shall include:


1)                  Planning dates for rush and the informational meeting,

2)                  Planning the pledge program dates (including Pledge Ceremony, Big Brother Ceremony and Initiation Ceremony)

3)                  Officer budgets

4)                  Any necessary changes to conform to new Sectional, Regional or National Fraternity             policies.

5)                  Planning dates for officer nominations and elections, and (in the spring semester) the            date of the Awards Banquet and Officer Installation Ceremony.


Section 3: Special Meetings


Special meetings may be called by the President or by the Executive Board and shall be called on the written request of one fourth (1/4) of the Active membership. The purpose of the special meeting shall be stated in the call, and except in cases of emergency, at least three (3)days’ notice shall be given.


Section 4: Closed Meetings


By a majority vote, a meeting may be closed either to include only Active and Advisory members of Alpha Phi Omega, or to include any combination of Active members, Advisory members, Associate members, Honorary members, Alumni members and Pledges, but at least one (1) meeting a month shall be open.


Section 5: Quorum


One-third(1/3) of the voting members of the Chapter shall constitute a quorum.