Section II: Requirements

Clause 1: Newly Initiated Active Requirements & Privileges


Newly Initiated Actives have the requirements of a Pledge, following Initiation and the paying of Pledge Dues and Initiation Fees (see Standing Policy Clause 2);however, Newly Initiated Actives have the privileges of Active brothers (see the Chapter Bylaws Article II, Clause 2).


Clause 2: Active Without Meeting Requirements & Privileges


Active Without Meeting Brothers have all Active requirements, with the exception of the Chapter Meeting requirements (see Standing Policy Clause 2). These Brothers have the privileges of Active Brothers (see the Chapter Bylaws Article II, Clause 2). In cases of holding a chair position, Brothers that are Active Without Meeting may hold the position at the discretion of the respective officer.


Clause 3: Active Requirements


All Active members from the previous semester who are still students at the University of Kentucky shall be considered Active until the dues payment deadline specified by the Chapter. Active members from the previous semester who pay their dues after the deadline shall be restored to Active status at the first Chapter meeting following payment of the dues. In order to vote at the Pledge Elevation Meeting and in meetings subsequent to it, and in order to retain Active status in the next semester, excluding summer sessions, an Active member must do the following:


1)                  Complete a minimum of twenty (20) hours of service, with a maximum of five (5) hours earned per service event, including single events with shifts. Up to five(5) hours of service towards this total can be obtained through outside projects not officially sponsored by the Chapter.  Approval for these outside hours must be given by a Vice President of Service in order for them to count towards the twenty (20) required hours.

2)                  Attend at least eight (8) of the regular meetings held during the current semester. Executive Board meetings count towards this requirement for Active Brothers and Pledges.  Excuses will be determined by the Parliamentarian and should be submitted within one (1) week of the absence.

3)                  Attend at least five (5)fellowship events. Fellowship events must consist of at least five (5) Brothers.

4)                  Complete a minimum of six (6) fundraising hours over the academic year, with at least three (3) hours completed in the fall semester. Additional hours beyond the three (3) required in the fall will be carried over into the spring semester. If a member has completed all but one (1) fundraising hour, this requirement can be completed through an additional $10 donation to the Chapter. A member only receives fundraising credit if the raised funds go to the Chapter fund.

5)                  Complete five(5) of the following Leadership Development activities,  three(3) of which must be sponsored by Alpha Phi Omega or Alpha Zeta:

a.       Attend an APO LEADS course

b.      Attend a leadership development event (ex. webinar, Sectionals, Regionals, Nationals, etc.)

c.       Stand on a committee or subcommittee

d.      Hold an officer position (appointed or elected) in APO or any other organization

e.       Organize an event (approved by the Leadership Committee)

f.       Any other event sponsored by the Vice President of Leadership

6)      Complete at least one (1) Inter-Chapter event.

7)      Pay Active dues.


Clause 4: Requirements to Hold Office


Additionally to Article III Section 1 Clause 2, Active Brothers must maintain a minimum of a 2.75 GPA based on the previous semester or cumulative in order to hold any elected office.