Clause 1: Standing Committees
The Standing Committees of this chapter shall be the Executive Board, the Service Committee, the Membership Committee, the Fellowship Committee, and the Finance Committee. Refer to Article V, Section 1, Clause 1 for a complete list of committees and their respective responsibilities.
Clause 2: Committee Structure
Committees shall meet outside of regular Chapter meetings at a date and time designated by the committee Chairperson. The Service, Fellowship, Leadership, Finance, and Membership committees shall meet at the discretion of the committee Chairperson. The Chairperson of the committee shall present a report of their committee’s meeting at the following Executive Meeting. Below is a sample committee structure:
1. Service Committee (Vice President of Service)
a. Homelessness and Poverty
i. Ronald McDonald House
ii. Hope Center
iii. Salvation Army
b. Scouting
c. Elderly
d. Youth Outreach
e. Health Promotions
i. Blood Drives
ii. Health Training
f. Special Needs
2. Fellowship Committee (Vice President of Fellowship)
a. Formal (seasonal)
b. Intramural
c. Pledge/Chapter Retreat
d. Weekly Event
e. Monthly Event
3. Finance Committee (Treasurer)
a. Conference (Nationals/Regionals/Sectionals)
b. Chapter (raise for APO)
4. Membership Committee (Vice President of Membership & Pledge Trainer)
a. Big Little
b. Rush Process
c. Morale & Brotherhood
5. Leadership Committee (Vice President of Leadership)
6. By-Laws Committee (Parliamentarian)
7. Communication and Publicity (Vice President of Communications & Secretary)
a. Chapter Newsletter (Online or Paper)
b. Public Relations (Promotion & Alumni Outreach)
c. Scrapbooking (Historian)
d. Inter-Chapter Relations (1 person)
8. Dance Blue Committee (Dance Blue Chair)