All regular meetings of the Chapter shall be held every Tuesday at 7:30 for Actives and 6:00 for Pledges unless otherwise announced by the President, and at the designated location set at the beginning of the semester, unless announced by the President. Below is a sample agenda for regular Chapter meetings:
I. Opening Ritual Ceremony
II. Officer Reports (also any subcommittees)
1. President
2. Vice Presidents of Service
3. Vice President of Membership
4. Pledge Trainer
5. Vice President of Leadership
6. Vice Presidents of Fellowship
7. Treasurer
8. Vice President of Inter-chapter Relations
9. Secretary
10. Sergeant at Arms
11. Parliamentarian
12. Vice President of Communications
13. Historian
14. Advisory Committee
III. Approve last week’s minutes
IV. Unfinished Business (any voting that requires multiple weeks)
V. New Business (any new items to be voted on)
VI. Members Privilege (time for any Actives to talk, APO or not related)
VII. Closing Ceremony